Frequently Asked Questions
Here are a some questions you might already have in mind.
Please feel free to email us for other queries you may have.
Please feel free to email us for other queries you may have.
Prenatal Yoga
Q: If a mum-to-be has not exercised regularly before pregnancy, can she start prenatal yoga?
A: Yes! Pregnancy and a woman’s child bearing years are the best times she can benefit most from being fit and active. It is recommended that pregnant ladies get up to 30min of exercise per day right up to day of labour. No prior experience in yoga is required for any of our VandaYoga classes!
Q: What can prenatal yoga do for me?
A: Prenatal yoga can help a pregnant lady ease her pregnancy symptoms and aches and prepare herself for labour and motherhood. Typical pregnancy related symptoms include complaints of fatigue, lower extremity swelling and circulatory problems. Benefits to mothers include easier childbirth and labour and quicker recovery after childbirth.
Research has shown that Prenatal Yoga can reduce depression in pregnant women as well as boost maternal bonding. In addition, pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy, and in the immediate postpartum period, may reduce the risk of future urinary incontinence.
Since hormonal changes leads to an increase in joint laxity and hypermobility, the prenatal yoga class consists of simple and gentle movements designed the exercises to strengthen muscles without placing extra stress on joints.
Q: Can I perform prenatal yoga if I’m diagnosed with low placenta?
A: This condition is quite common. We have had mothers who were diagnosed with low placenta early in their pregnancy. The condition tends to go away as the pregnancy advances. As the uterus grows, the placenta tends not to be low lying anymore. For serious cases doctors may put mothers on bed rest. While at prenatal yoga, we take care not to perform certain postures that may aggravate the condition.
Q: Can I have lunch / dinnner before class?
A: If you are having full meal, it is better to take 2 hours before class.
For light snack, half an hour is fine.
A: Yes! Pregnancy and a woman’s child bearing years are the best times she can benefit most from being fit and active. It is recommended that pregnant ladies get up to 30min of exercise per day right up to day of labour. No prior experience in yoga is required for any of our VandaYoga classes!
Q: What can prenatal yoga do for me?
A: Prenatal yoga can help a pregnant lady ease her pregnancy symptoms and aches and prepare herself for labour and motherhood. Typical pregnancy related symptoms include complaints of fatigue, lower extremity swelling and circulatory problems. Benefits to mothers include easier childbirth and labour and quicker recovery after childbirth.
Research has shown that Prenatal Yoga can reduce depression in pregnant women as well as boost maternal bonding. In addition, pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy, and in the immediate postpartum period, may reduce the risk of future urinary incontinence.
Since hormonal changes leads to an increase in joint laxity and hypermobility, the prenatal yoga class consists of simple and gentle movements designed the exercises to strengthen muscles without placing extra stress on joints.
Q: Can I perform prenatal yoga if I’m diagnosed with low placenta?
A: This condition is quite common. We have had mothers who were diagnosed with low placenta early in their pregnancy. The condition tends to go away as the pregnancy advances. As the uterus grows, the placenta tends not to be low lying anymore. For serious cases doctors may put mothers on bed rest. While at prenatal yoga, we take care not to perform certain postures that may aggravate the condition.
Q: Can I have lunch / dinnner before class?
A: If you are having full meal, it is better to take 2 hours before class.
For light snack, half an hour is fine.
Hatha Yoga
Q: I have never done yoga before! Is this for me?
A: Yes! Introduction to yoga can start anytime. No prior experience in yoga is required for any of our VandaYoga classes!
Q: Do the classes have any religious teaching?
A: We do not perform any worshipping at the classes. The postures, breathing and deep relaxation are meant to have various physiological and/or psychological benefits.
Q: Can I have lunch / dinnner before class?
A: If you are having full meal, it is better to take 2 hours before class.
For light snack, half an hour is fine.
A: Yes! Introduction to yoga can start anytime. No prior experience in yoga is required for any of our VandaYoga classes!
Q: Do the classes have any religious teaching?
A: We do not perform any worshipping at the classes. The postures, breathing and deep relaxation are meant to have various physiological and/or psychological benefits.
Q: Can I have lunch / dinnner before class?
A: If you are having full meal, it is better to take 2 hours before class.
For light snack, half an hour is fine.