What are you waiting for? Book a prenatal yoga class with us or start strolling with your partner or just get moving!
Source: Mail Online
There are mums-to-be who believe they should eat for two and rest as often as they can during pregnancy. Recent studies suggest otherwise. Researchers from the University of Alberta analyses 28 studies that looked into the relation between maternal exercise and the influences it had on babies. It was found that women who exercised during pregnancy were 31 per cent less likely to have a large baby, without increasing the odds of having a small or premature baby. The probability of having a Cesarean birth also dropped by 20 per cent. Gaining too much weight and not engaging in physical activity during gestation has been linked to obesity in children. Researchers say that engaging in moderate exercise has been found to reduce the chances of the baby becoming obese in childhood significantly.
What are you waiting for? Book a prenatal yoga class with us or start strolling with your partner or just get moving! Source: Mail Online
Blog by VandaA yoga practitioner for over fifteen years now, Vanda is a yoga instructor dedicated to spreading her love of yoga and benefits of yoga to people who come her way. She believes strongly in empowering women in their pregnancy and childbirth journey. Archives
May 2017