Associate Professor of Midwifery at the University of Western Sydney Hannah Dahlen said continuity of midwife care during pregnancy and childbirth is a vital factor when it comes to having a positive birth experience and recovering well from labour.
"We know that Kate had been cared for by the same midwives throughout her pregnancy and that continuity of care is hugely important when it comes to a positive and trouble-free birth experience," Ms Dahlen said.
"Getting the same information from the same midwives throughout pregnancy makes a woman feel safe, secure and relaxed, and much more likely to birth their baby without any need for intervention.
"Part of the advice from her midwives would have been to labour at home for as long as possible, which is just what she did.
"It is important to have obstetric care available in case there is a need for it, but recovery from childbirth will be much quicker if there is no intervention."
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